Employer Specific Plan Design
Design a plan that is right for Your Company's Employees
Let the Data guide your savings.
- No strategic plan can either be built or monitored without an employer having full access to their claims data and controlling that data in a data warehouse.
- That information will provide the roadmap for the clinical team will use to identify the unique risks of that clients population and recommend programs to mitigate that risk.
- Employers spending $15M+ per year should have a dedicated clinical team to analyze their claims data and monitor their programs.
A strategic plan designed to meet your budget and has specific measurable goals outlined.
- Your company is unique. Your company's employees are unique. Why settle for a cookie cutter benefits plan?
- Each employer's starting point and future goals are very individualized. We bring the experience and knowledge to design dozens of different programs - not simply regurgitate the power point deck their senior leadership has provided to them for that year.
- It’s also critical to establish clearly goals that can be measured and tracked on a quarterly basis and provided to the c-suite as needed.
Your members utilization of available benefits will be supported by communications and a member concierge to support navigation.
- Members need personalized support to navigate the complex healthcare system and plans that employers provide.
- MyPHA guides your employee to the most appropriate care within your current benefits available.
- Take the burden off your HR team
Are your current plans meeting the needs of your culture taking into consideration your employee income levels?
- The shift 10 years ago to HSA plans for all had an impact on plan spend but it also caused some financial hardships and missed care for those employees at the lower end of the income scale.
- It’s important to consider when building plan designs both employees physical and financial wellbeing.
Empower Health
Health Risk Engagement Strategies: Driving Change
Consider this: 70% of today’s high-cost individuals won’t be the same people next year. If you’re only looking at historical data, you’re blind to the emerging risks within your employees. What’s missing from this equation is predictive engagement—the ability to identify the individuals who are trending toward risk before they become symptomatic and to intervene effectively in real time. That's where we are here to help.